Thursday, 12 April 2012

Final Film Review


Below is an analysis of my final film review compared to professional one taken from the internet

The blue arrows are used to show all of the things my film review on the left has in common with the professional film review on the right. Each share a still from the film—one of which is usually used as it is of a poignant relevance . As well as this both have a section before the film review that summarises the film (film title, the release date, the certificate, the cast and the plot) which Is  think is used in most film reviews as away of informing the reader of the most important summarised information because if the reader decides to continue with the full film review they are still left with the relevant information. Then of course the two share in common the fall length review on each film. Both magazines also feature a strapline.

The two film reviews share many similarities all of which are conventions of a film review. However, there are also a number of differences and one of these differences is that my film review has a section specifically for the genre of my film—a Drama whereas the film review on the right only has the title of the film which  on mine is featured under the subheading. As well as this at the bottom of my film review there are a number of social networking site logos which makes the reader aware that the magazine has different ways of advertisement and ways of discovering new information about upcoming and old films. My film review also features the page number, the magazine title and the month which is not shown in the picture above.

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